Total solution remover of DNA and RNA particles con-taminants of examinations, samples and tests
ZERO DNA is a preparation designed to be used on PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) workstations. Particularly active against DNA contamination on surfaces, instruments and labo-ratory equipment. Ready to use. DNA contamination is a matter of extreme importance to the techniques of high sensitivity PCR. DNA contaminant may cause cross-contamination between samples, resulting in inaccurate data and unreliable results. Even a single DNA molecule can be detected in the amplification process. Using ZERO DNA, the DNA molecules are completely de-stroyed and removed from any surface. |
ZERO DNA must be used before and after PCR analysis. Decontamination of surfaces (nonporous): Spray Zero DNA directly onto the surface and rub with the help of a paper towel. Then rinse with DNA free water and dry with a clean pa-per towel. Decontamination of laboratory devices and porous surfaces: Apply ZERO DNA on a paper towel and rub vigorously clean surfaces, appliances or equipments. Rinse then with DNA free water and dry with a towel. Decontamination of pipettes: Follow the manufacturer's in-structions to disassemble the pipette. Immerse the stem of the pipette, without the seals, in |
the zero solution of DNA for one minute. Then rinse with DNA free water, dry and assemble the pipette.